We do. We lead. We are FOREVER UND.
Faculty & Research
One professor can touch the lives of many through teaching, mentorship, and research.
Together, we are only as strong as our faculty — they’re the heart of our University. Supporting our endowed faculty and research will:
- Attract and retain outstanding teaching and research faculty.
- Draw top-notch students who want to work with leading scholars.
- Secure research grants and private support.
- Expand the University’s profile and participation across networks.
- Foster media attention and bring in national conferences.
Endowed faculty allow students to learn from the most talented scholars in the world to solve global grand challenges.
Funding Endowed Positions
An endowed chair, professorship or fellowship is one of the highest academic honors that the University can bestow. It lasts for as long as the University exists. It is both an honor to the named holder of the position and an enduring tribute to the donor who establishes it.
- Chair ($2.5 million): A chair is the most prestigious named position. This recognition recognizes a faculty member who has made significant contributions to scholarship, research and/or service to the wider community.
- Professorship ($1 million): A professorship recognizes a faculty member who has achieved national or international prominence.
- Fellowship ($500,000): A fellowship recognizes the University’s desire to support teaching or research. The appropriate Dean and Vice President determine how endowment income is used. Their decision is based on the University’s strategic priorities and the academic pursuits of the fellowship holder.
Filled Endowed Positions
Endowed Chairs

Burgum Endowed Chair of Music
- Funded by Rick and Jody Burgum

Oliver L. Benediktson Endowed Chair in Astrophysics
- Funded by Oliver Benediktson*

Gransberg Family Endowed Chair
- Funded by Glen* and Janice Gransberg
Endowed Professors

Charles R. "Chuck" Johnson Endowed Professor
- Funded by Charles* and Cory* Johnson
Endowed Fellows

Bard and Nicki Baukol History Fellow
- Funded by Bard and Nicki Baukol
Endowed Chairs

Burwell Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship
- Funded by Rodney* and Barbara Burwell

Kulas Koppenhaver Endowed Chair
- Funded by Henry and Judee Herr

Eugene Dahl Innovation & Character Endowed Chair
- Funded by Brian and Terrie Dahl & Howard and Ann* Dahl

Earl S. Strinden Endowed Chair
- Funded by numerous donors in honor of Earl Strinden*

Page Endowed Chair in Applied Economics
- Funded by Greg and Cindy* Page
Endowed Professors

Korus Institute of Policy and Business Analytics Executive Director Professor
- Funded by Paul Korus

Robert Page Endowed Professor
- Funded by Greg and Cindy* Page

UND Accountancy Legacy Endowed Professor
- Funded by Henry and Judee Herr

Korus Economics & Finance Endowed Professor
- Funded by Paul Korus
Endowed Fellows

Suda Karnik Fellow
- Funded by Lawrence Suda

Morrison Faculty Fellow
- Funded by Dale Morrison*

Dr. Mark Langemo Faculty Fellow
- Funded by Cindy* & Greg Page

Pancratz Fellow
- Funded by the Pancratz Family Foundation

Clow Fellow
- Funded by Ruth Maurine Clow*

Harold L. and Io A. Severson Faculty Fellow in Entrepreneurship
- Funded by Terry and Diane* Severson
Endowed Professors

Rose Isabella Kelly Fischer Professor
- Funded by Bernadine Greenwood*
Endowed Fellows

Hopper Danley Faculty Fellow
- Funded by the Elnora (Hopper) Danley* Estate

Hopper Danley Faculty Fellow
- Funded by the Elnora (Hopper) Danley* Estate

Hopper Danley Faculty Fellow
- Funded by the Elnora (Hopper) Danley* Estate
Endowed Chairs

Ann and Norman Hoffman Endowed Chair in National Defense/Energetics
- Funded by Norman and Ann Hoffman

Thomas C. Owens Endowed Chair of Chemical Engineering
- Funded by numerous donors in honor of Tom Owens
Endowed Professors

Michael and Sitney Lodoen Endowed Professor in Civil Engineering
- Funded by Michael and Sitney Lodoen

Terry and Diane Severson Endowed Professor of National Security
- Funded by Terry and Diane* Severson

Continental Resources Distinguished Professor of Petroleum Engineering
- Funded by Continental Resources

Harold Hamm Distinguished Professor of Petroleum Geology
- Funded by Harold Hamm
Endowed Fellows

Hamilton Fellow
- Funded by Tom and Carolyn Hamilton

Mark and Claudia Thompson National Security Faculty Fellow
- Funded by Mark and Claudia Thompson
Endowed Professors

Archie Unterseher Endowed Professor
- Funded by the Oxbow Foundation

Rodney and Betty Webb Professor
- Funded by Rodney* and Betty* Webb

Law School Builders of the Profession Professor
- Funded by multiple donors

Law School Builders of the Profession Professor
- Funded by multiple donors

Randy H. Lee Professor
- Funded by the North Dakota Bar Foundation

Lloyd and Ruth Friedman Professor
- Funded by a UND Endowment

Floyd B. Sperry Professor
- Funded by Floyd B. Sperry*

R. Johnson Fellow
- Funded by Phyllis Johnson
Endowed Fellows

J. Philip Johnson Faculty Fellow
- Funded by Thomas Wold
Endowed Chairs

Dr. Roger Gilbertson Endowed Chair in Neurology
- Funded by Sanford Health

Monson Endowed Chair in Medical Education
- Funded by Dr. David and Lola Monson

NRI / Lee A. Christoferson, Sr., M.D. Endowed Chair in Neuroscience
- Funded by the Neuropsychiatric Research Institute

Eva L. Gilbertson, M.D., Distinguished Chair of Geriatrics
- Funded by the Eva L. Gilbertson Foundation
Endowed Professors

Kaess Endowed Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Funded by M. Carolyn Kaess*

Dr. Verill J. and Ruth Fischer Endowed Professor in Family and Community Medicine
- Funded by Dr. Verill J.* and Ruth* Fischer