William Budge Circle
The William Budge Circle recognizes donors who, like Budge, have forged a path that many pioneers have followed.
His willingness to work hard at many endeavors coupled with his foresight and commitment to the University and Grand Forks have paved the way for those who have continued building on what Budge began.
William “Billy” Budge (1852-1938) was a Scotsman, politician, businessman and pioneer of his time who played a large hand in securing the location of the University of North Dakota. Budge donated the original 20 acres of land to the University. At the time, he owned most of the land between downtown Grand Forks and today’s UND campus.

Budge had a large hand in “rescuing” UND on several occasions. At one point, he convinced President Webster Merrifield to turn down an offer from the University of Montana, which led the prominent UND leader and several faculty members to stay at UND. Budge and Merrifield then began a vigorous campaign for private financial support to sustain the University’s faculty members after the governor vetoed state funding to UND.
Budge immigrated to the U.S. from Scotland as a teenager. His willingness to try his hand at any job once his ship landed was kindling for his business savviness later in life. Budge’s diverse portfolio included serving as a cook, a bartender, working in a Canadian fur post and in a brick factory, and running a stagecoach line. He even served as the Grand Forks postmaster and sheriff for a time.
Together with other early city leaders, Budge helped develop the first brick business block in Grand Forks in 1883, now in the heart of downtown Grand Forks. He was also a leading figure among UND’s first group of Trustees and served from 1891-1907. Budge Hall was built in his honor in 1899 and served as a men’s dormitory until 1981.
The William Budge Circle honors donors who have committed between $1 million and $4,999,999 to UND.
Burton A. Aarestad Estate
Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.
Dave & Alexa Albrecht
Alvis B. Amble*
Diane & Daryl* Anderson
Donald E. Bahr, M.D. Estate
Bank Forward
Oliver L. Benediktson*
Bernard Osher Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota
Grace Ellis Bowen*
Bremer, Grand Forks
Steve L. Burian
Rod* & Barbara Burwell
Dr. John L.* & Ruth* Carter
Jill & Steve Cholewa
Chord Energy - Houston, TX
City of Grand Forks
Barb & Ken Clark
Collins Aerospace
Patricia F. Crow Estate
Howard & Ann* Dahl
Dakota Medical Foundation
Drs. Haldean & Bonnie Dalzell
Helen Baird Fait*
Jody & Duane Feragen
Louise S. Ferguson*
John R. Fischer, M.D.
Mark & Cindy Fliginger
Robert L. Fransen
The Estates of Chester Fritz & Vera Fritz
Gate City Bank
Virgil L. Gerig Estate
Gaylen & Penny Ghylin
Philip & Patricia Gisi
Carlen Fee Goehring
Jeffrey & Sonya Gorman
Beulah-Rom Gullekson*
Dr. Thomas & Carolyn Hamilton
Norm & Ann Hoffman
Bart & Lynn* Holaday
Edmond Hughes Estate
Mike Jacobs & Suezette Bieri
Larry* & Lynda Jodsaas
Betty Wold Johnson*/The Wold Family in Honor & Memory of Karl Christian Wold, M.D.
Larry* & Jean Johnson
Winnifred H. Jones*
Dr. Karl* & Carolyn* Kaess
Lyle & Kathleen Kasprick
Paul J. & Lynn E. Korus
Stephen P. Kramer
Pete & Eunice Kuhn
Charles Kummeth & Angela Dillow
Mike & Tanya Kuntz
A. Kirk* & Janet Lanterman
R. Doug & Sally Larsen
Paula H. Lee* in Memory of Randy H. Lee
Dale & Paulette Lian
Michael & Sitney Lodoen
Jack G. Marcil
Bill & Jane Marcil
Doug & Katie Mark
Gary & Jane Marsden
Inez L. McDonald* in Memory of William F. McDonald
Carol* & Robert* Middleton
Fritz Mikkelson Family
Fritz & Verona Mikkelson Family
Dale* & Barbara Morrison
Howard & Johnnie Moum Estate
Myers Foundation/Eugene E.* & Florence H.* Myers
Myra Foundation
Jane S. Nelson*
Neuropsychiatric Research Institute
Harvey & Melanie Noteboom
William* & June* Nuessle
Oxbow Foundation
Linda & Mark* Pancratz
Bob & Jeanine Peabody
Norma* & Joe* Peltier
Ruth H. Ralph*
Kevin & Courtney Ritterman
Stephen W. Robinson, Ph.D.
John Rouzie Estate
Ray C. Rude*
Thomas W.* & Joan* Ryan
Wes & Vivian Rydell
Scheels All Sports
Scheels All-Sports Foundation
Dr. Mark & Lori Schneider
Sensor Systems, Inc.
Terry & Diane* Severson
Sidney Green Four LLC
Norman C. Skalicky*
Robert & Kristine Solberg
M. Duane Sommerness, M.D.* & Marge Sommerness*
C. Foster & Coco Stanback
Bryce* & June* Streibel
C. Francis Swanke*
Lowell* & Marge* Swenson
The Estates of Mildred Thelin & Gustaf Thelin
Mark & Claudia Thompson
Roger S. Thompson, M.D. Estate
Marvin A. Thorson Estate
Craig & Dolly Tweten
UND Aerospace Foundation
Loren A. Unterseher
David & Linnea Veeder
Jeff & Kim Vigen
Wadhwani Family
Jim & Barbara Williams
David J. & Gay C. Shemorry Williamson
Allan* & Marvel Williamson
Lew Wilson*
Reflects donations processed through 12.31.24.
BOLD indicates new to this level
* Indicates deceased
Donations include those that were matched by the North Dakota Higher Education Challenge Fund