1889 Legacy Society
The 1889 Legacy Society honors alumni and friends who have made a commitment for the future of the University of North Dakota.
With estate, planned or deferred gifts through the UND Foundation, these society members leave a powerful legacy that will last for years to come.
Qualifying gifts include a bequest in will or revocable living trust, designation of the UND Foundation as beneficiary in an insurance policy or retirement plan, or a life income gift or life estate gift of a residence or farm property. Learn more about gift planning.
The 1889 Legacy Society was proudly named to recognize the year the UND Alumni Association was founded. On June 13, 1889, the first eight graduates of the University of North Dakota met after commencement ceremonies and together they formed the UND Alumni Association. It was the start of our proud tradition of alumni loyalty and support.
If you do not see your name listed below and believe you have already documented a planned gift with us to UND, your gift may be marked anonymous. Please contact us for support or fill out a gift intention form. We are here to help your legacy shine.
The 1889 Legacy Society honors donors who have committed estate, planned, or deferred gifts to UND. Through their generosity, its members leave a powerful and impactful legacy of support for future generations at the University of North Dakota. The 1889 Legacy Society has more than 1,000 members.
Larry* & Martha Ann* Aasen
Reuben* & Alice* Aasland
Elizabeth & Alden* Abraham
Hal E. Adams
Naomi E. Adams Estate
Ralph* & Jackie Adamsen
D. Guy Allen Estate
George* & Glenna "Pat"* Allen
Joseph C. Allen Estate
Dr. Kent* & Diane Alm
Elizabeth Alsop*
Alvis B. Amble*
Alma J. Anderson*
A. Mavourneen Anderson Estate
Dr. Arden & Bertha Anderson Estate
Aron D. & Mary L. Anderson
Bernt* & Clara* Anderson
Diane & Daryl* Anderson
Dick & Patty Anderson
Ethel I. Anderson*
Jeff Anderson*
LeRoy A. Anderson*
Lowell T. Anderson*
Magnus* & Evelyn* Anderson
Marvin D. Anderson*
Gary* & Olga Anderson
Owen & Kathie Anderson
Dr. Richard H. Annis*
Dr. Ronald A. & Dorine* Apanian
Dorothy A. Arneson & Ronald P. Vuturo*
Marilyn A. & Duane A.* Arness
Drs. Robert Arusell & Janelle Sanda
Russell T. Asleson Estate
A. Leonard Asmundson, M.D.*
Larry Atkins
Walt* & Connie* Auran
Troy Bader & Gina Sauer
Alton* & Joanne* Baglien
Donald E. Bahr, M.D. Estate
J. Michael Bailey
Terry & Marie Bailey
David & Jan Bailly
Robert D. Bain*
Joe* & Wilma* Baker
Dr. Benjamin* & Ardelle* Bakkegard
Dewey* & Borgie* Balch
Robert W. Baldwin Estate
Katherine M. Bangsund
Thomas* & Kitty* Barger
Todd & Lisa Barnes
Dr. Philip & Sandra Barney
Lynn C. Jorgenson Barnhart
Margaret L. Barr Estate
Aldene A. Barrington*
Dianne P. Barry
Dean & Susan Barsness
Charles W. Bartholomew Estate
Bard & Nicki Baukol
Frank* & Joanne Bavendick
Emil* & Margaret* Baxstrom
Barbara G. Beach
David* & Jean* Beach
Ruth Beagarie*
Leonard Beal*
Eugene* & Muriel* Becken
Dean* & Jamie Beckstead
Garfield* & Sanae Beckstead
Carolyn & Mike Becraft
Orma A. Bedzis*
Patricia A. Beithon
Tim Belmore
Dr. Ed* & Marjean Bender
Robert* & Joan* Bender
Ethel T. Bendixen*
Oliver L. Benediktson*
George* & Lois* Benner
Orville J. Berg*
Edwin J. Berge Estate
Donald O. Bergquist
Edward* & Eileen* Bernhoft
Donald Bertheuson*
Helen L. Besse*
Tom & Robin Biel
Bruce O. Bjerkaas*
Col. Carlton L. Bjerkaas (RET) & Linda Bjerkaas
Marilyn A. Bjerke*
Orvald J. Bjerken Estate
Marlyn* & DaLonna* Bjorge
Adeline M. Bjork (Hoge) Estate
Bill* & Miff* Blair
Drs. Julie & David* Blehm
LaVonne Blikre* in Memory of Dr. Clair T. Blikre
Jim & Twylah Blotsky
Raymond* & Billie Jean Blum
Chris & Ashley Blume
Fred & Albena Blumhardt Estate
Karen M. Bohn & Gary M. Surdel
Erling M. Bolstad*
Mona Barrie Bolton Estate
Roger Borg
Irene Bostrom Estate
Ray* & Shirley* Bostrom
Daniel C.* & Bette C.* Boteler
Jane Bourassa* in Memory of Wilbur O. Bourassa
Grace Ellis Bowen*
Dr. Lowell* & Muriel Boyum
Dr. L. Eugene* & Kathryn Bradfield
Joyce E. Braithwait Estate
Harriet M. Brandow (Anderson)*
Jake Brandt
Kathleen M. Branley Estate
Victoria Braund, M.D. & Michael Mercury, Ph.D.
John & Diane Brawley
Harold & Helen Breeding Estate
Roger* & Darleen Breezley
Duane & Mary Jane Breitling
Charles J. Breitwieser*
Alice & David Brekke
Chad & Catherine Brekke
Ordean* & Wilhelmina* Brekke
Steven & Desilee Brekke
Ross & Emily Brenneman
Elsa W. Brenner Estate
Gary Bridgeford
Kristi & Rick Brindle
Dr. James L. Brinkman* & Cecelia R. Brinkman*
Derrel* & Anne* Britsch
Dr. Bridget Brooks & Jody Little
Robert* & Cassie Brostrom
Bill & Ruth Brown
David A. Brown
Dr. Glenn* & Harriet* Brown
Larry Brown* & Vaughn Malm Brown*
Dr. A. Wayne* & Judith Bruce
Dr. Mary P. Bryngelson
Mary Alice Buchanan*
Lyle F. Buchwitz*
Robert* & Frances* Buckingham
Jesse & Lee Bull
Merle* & Anita* Bunde
Alan & Jill Burchill
Audrey* & Russ* Burfening
Ruth M. Burgh Estate
Rick & Jody Burgum
Steve L. Burian
Ruth Burrage*
Lyn J. Burton
Dorothy E. Busch*
Robert A.* & Lorraine* Busch
James H. Bushaw*
Ed* & Olive* Bushby
Dean & Michelle Bushee
Linda & Alan Butts
Carl & Wanda Bye
Cord & Jean Bye
Dr. Gwen J. Bymers*
John* & Mary Bywater
Dorothy Upham Call*
Jessie P. Campbell Estate
Madelyne Camrud in Memory of Ted Camrud
Dr. William & Norma* Cape
Leonard S. Carlisle
DeAnna Carlson Zink & Wayne Zink
Dr. John L.* & Ruth* Carter
Margaret Carter Estate
Elizabeth Gaulke Cary*
Gregg & Darcy Cascaes
Donald* & Georgine Casement
Bob* & Pat* Higgins Caudel
Adolph* & Betty* Cervenka
Virginia W. Cheng, M.D.*
Jill & Steve Cholewa
Dr. Steffen & Janice Christensen
Laura Christianson*
Carla J. Christofferson
Twyla I. Chun
Jean M. Clark*
Dr. Rodney* & Carol* Clark
T. Michael Clarke*
Richard D. Clay
Dr. Maurine Clow*
Dr. Dale & Penny Cody
Corey & Joyce Colehour
Candace A. Christianson & Christopher J. Conley
Ireton & Marie Connelly Estate
Ruth Connors
Dr. Paul* & Helen* Cook
Ernie* & Jennie* Coon
Harold* & Emma* Coop
Dorian "Pete" H. Cordes, M.D.*
Margaret Heyse Cory*
Dr. Clifford "Kip" A. Cranna, Jr.
Helen Crawford*
Dr. Francine Cronshaw & Russell Selleck
Patricia F. Crow Estate
Joyce I. Reintjes Crowder & Brian-Paul Klein Crowder
Dr. Thomas & Nancy* Cruden
Dr. Jean W. Currey*
Bob* & Jean* Dahl
Eugene Dahl* in Memory of Evelyn Dahl
Helen A. Dahl*
Thomas & Ardys Dahl
Ervin* & Drusilla* Dahlund
Lucy A. Dalglish
Dr. John H. & Carlyn Dalness
Drs. Haldean & Bonnie Dalzell
Russell Danforth Estate
Roy & Elnora H. Danley Estate
Janice & Clifford d'Autremont
John B. Davenport*
Tim* & Maxine* Davies
David E. Davis Estate
John* & Marilyn* Davis
W. Jeremy & Jacqueline Davis
Charles E. DeKaye*
John A. DeKrey, M.D.*
Roger L. & Agnes C. Dell Charitable Trust II
William* & Jane* Denk
Ralph G. Devlin*
Dorothy M. Diakoff*
Judith R. Dickinson Estate
Patricia & John* Diehl
Lori L. Dietrich & Steven J. Piazza
Andrea Dillenburg
Deborah (Davidson) Dirks
Rod Dockter
Jeff & Jodi Dodson
Darrell & Kathryn* Dorgan
Dave Dornacker & Jody Spencer
Wayne A. Drugan, Jr. Estate
Harriet A. Drummond*
Mary Elizabeth Wiltrout Dryden Estate
Virginia & Paul DuBowy
Dan & Andrea Dufner
Dwain E. Duis*
Bob & Vivian Dunbar
Jane E. Duncan
Jerome* & Anne* Dunlevy
Dr. Ralph & Bernadette Dunnigan Estate
Jeanne Morrow Dye*
Mary Jo & Rick Eastes
Richard & Kathy Ebel
Lynne Stenehjem Ebner
Sara Edel & Diane Reinking
Ruth Sorlie Edick Estate
Robert G. Edkins, M.D.*
Louise Edwards*
Tom & Jackie Edwards
William H. Eelkema, M.D.
Theodore Effos*
Robert W. Ego*
Donald J. Ehreth
Donald L. Eide*
Eric Eknes
Charlotte* & Wallace* Elefson
Joe "Buzz"* & Bev* Elliott
Elmer* & Ruth* Ellis
Leeland T. Engelhorn*
David & Judy Engen
Thomas R.* & Beverly Engen
Bob Erickson & Claire Fallon
Rev. Dr. Doug* & Joan* Erickson
Jan M. Erickson*
Dr. Nels J. Erickson*
Dr. John* & Betty* Ericson
Lisa L. Eriksmoen*
John F. Ermer*
Julia Ernst & Richard Clement
Debbie Evenson
Dr. Lloyd & Jacquelyn Everson
Vera Facey*
Helen Baird Fait*
Fritz O. Falgren*
Winnifred T. Falkanger Estate
John* & Evelyn* Fallon
Perry & Diane Fast
Dr. Robert* & Margaret* Fawcett
Bob & Patricia Feidler
Dr. James & Janice Feist
Bernie & Sue Feland
Louise S. Ferguson*
Dr. Clayton* & Dorothy* Ferry
Kevin M. Fickenscher, M.D.
Jean R. Fields Estate
Jim* & Louise* Fingarson
Dennis & Muriel Finken
Dr. C. Peter & Beverly Fischer
John R. Fischer, M.D.
Dr. Verrill* & Ruth Ann* Fischer
Lloyd* & Ruth* Flem
A. Irene Fletcher Estate
Mark & Cindy Fliginger
Don* & Myra* Flint
Robert* & LaVerne* Florance
Hilda C. Flynn*
Dr. Elton & Patricia Fors
Mark B. Foss*
Dennis H. Fossum
Eleanor Stratte Foster*
Henrietta Stone Fox*
Capt. Jeffrey J. Frane
Dr. Richard E.* & Mary Margaret* Frank
Eula Fratarelli Estate
Fredrik* & Helen* Reis Fredlund
Ellen H. Freeman Estate
Rodney & Beckie Freeman
Dr. James* & Julie Frisk
William M. Fruhwirth*
Marianne* & Gustav* Frye
Donald C. Gackle*
Dr. Laurence* & Adeline* Gaebe
Charles* & Dorothy* Gainor
Lowell J. Gallagher
Dr. Duane G.* & Janice* Gallo
Charles & Edna Galloway Estate
Sara Garland & Kim Uhl
Wilbur Gehrke Family Survivors Trust
Bill & Marlys* Geiger
Glenn* & Mary* Geiger
Allison & Bud Gentle
Virginia J. P. George Estate
Virgil L. Gerig Estate
Greg Gerloff & Michele Sorenson Gerloff
Leslie Gerloff*
Stephen S. Gershman
Capt. Richard* & Lorraine* Gerszewski
M. James Gibbs*
Mary Gibson Estate
Chris* & Marie* Giese
Lloyd* & Marian* Giessel
David M. Gipp*
Dr. Paul* & Marian* Gislason
Elda S. Glady*
Dr. C.J.* & Viola B.* Glaspel
Eliot Glassheim* & Dyan Rey
Dr. Morley D. Glicken*
Carlen Fee Goehring
Dr. John* & Georgia* Goff
Florence Golde Estate
James G. Golseth, M.D.*
Glen Gonsorowski
Dr. Daniel* & Shirley Goodwin
David* & Jane* Gordon
Benedict F.* & Dorothy J. Gorecki
Dr. John* & Mary* Graham
Arlene H. Gran*
Michael Grandall
Glen* & Janice Gransberg
Clara Graving*
Alan & Clara Gray Estate
John "Jack" * & Ellen* Gray
Dr. John Gray & Karen Schmidt-Gray
Kelly M. Bye Greenlees
Bernadine Greenwood*
Dave & Sandy Gregory
Leonard Griffin* in Memory of Blanche Griffin
Jacquelyn & Patrick Grinde
Mary J. Groebner
Alice Geneva Loe Groll*
Clifford C. Grosz*
Coleen Shaner Bacon Grosz*
Clayton* & Evelyn* Grove
Dorothy C. Grovom*
H. Leonard* & LaVerne* Gryte
Salvator & Ava* Guerrera
Beulah-Rom Gullekson*
Lillian Gullekson
Dave* & Jane Gunther
Robert D. & Karen J. Gusaas
Lt. Col. Ben Gustafson RET*
Glen & Marilyn* Gustafson
John* & Carol Gutenkunst
Bill & Marilyn Guy
Joe & Joyann Guzek
James F.* & Connie L. Haakenson
Tim & Joey Haas
Dale & Sue Hadland
Jean K. Hafer*
Paul C.* & Lee* Hagen
Dr. Lyle & Susan Hall
Richard & Helen McLean Hall Estate
George S. Hallenbeck, M.D.
Ken C. Halliday
Fleurette Halpern Estate
James V. Halteman*
Dr. Dalton D. Halverson Estate
Dr. Gerald* & Agnes* Hamerlik
Dr. Thomas & Carolyn Hamilton
Adelaide M. Hamre*
Laurie B. Hamre & Lisa M. Mueller
Dr. Robert* & Florita* Hankins
Jewell L. Hanna*
David L. Hanson
Edwin W. Hanson*
Roy A. Hanson*
Ada McLellan Haraldson* in Memory of Adrian McLellan
Adeline C. Hartl*
M. Brian Hartz, M.D.
Donna Hastings & Dr. Jonathan Geiger
Ruth Eastman Hastings*
Randy & Laurie Hatzenbuhler
Arnold* & Marjorie* Haugen
Bernard & Jean Haugen Estate
Carl* & Zoila* Haugen
Fern C. Haugen* in Honor & Memory of Clifford O. Haugen, M.D.
Robert* & Colleen Hauser
Henry* & Lilah* Havig
Elsie* & Abraham* Haykel
Thomas & Joanne Heck
Dr. Robert* & Jane* Heen
Kenneth S. Helenbolt, M.D.*
Dr. Ramon* & Lee Henkel
Dr. John R.* & Nancy* Henneford
Jim & Michelle Henrichsen
Dr. Gordon* & Patricia Henry
Richard* & Lynn Hentges
Dr. Norman* & Charmaine Hepper
Dr. Cliff A.* & Christine Herman
Thomas & Beverly Herman
Henry & Judee Herr
Shane Hersch
J. Paul Herzig*
Robert* & Phyllis Hess
Mary Elizabeth Hetherington*
Elaine L. Hetland*
Carol & Lawrence* Hill
Dennis A. Hill
Ellen I. Hill Estate
Vern L.* & Eunice O.* Hill
Carol & John Hinz Estate
Sally Hoey
Agatha D. Hoff*
Nancy K. Hoff
Janice & Frank* Hoffarth
Wesley Hoffman Estate
John J. Hogan*
Sherman E. Hoganson*
Thomas J. Hoganson*
Martha M. Hoghaug Glasoe Estate
Ivan C. Holbrook Estate
F. D., Jr.* & Margine* Holland
Grace Hollett*
Kenneth Holmes Estate
Judge Alfred O. Holte*
Dean & JoAnn Hornbacher
Dr. L. Michael & M. Michela Howell
Delmar M. Hugger*
John L.* & Elizabeth* Hulteng
K. David Hulteng
E. Karen Hunt*
Gerald W. Hunt
Kenneth Hyslop Estate
Ruth Ellen Ihde*
Dr. Gail C. Ingwalson
Larry & Ruth Isaak
Michael C. Jackman*
Kay Jackson Estate in Memory of Mildred Lippincott
Mike Jacobs & Suezette Bieri
Dorothy Donnelly James*
Alberta J. Janes*
Genevieve Janes Estate
Dr. John & Marcia Jarrett
Marjorie R. Javet
David B. Jelliff
John M. Jenkins*
Lu Jiang
Karn L. Jilek
Larry* & Lynda Jodsaas
Dr. A. William & Joan Johnson
Arthur* & Clara* Johnson
Bruce D. & Shirley A. Johnson
Chuck* & Cory* Johnson
Clifford Johnson*
Dr. Craig Johnson & Connie Hofland
Donald T. Johnson Estate
Erik R. & Beth Johnson
Erwin* & Arlene Johnson
Iner V.* & June E.* Johnson
James* & Gwen* Johnson
Janice Meeg Johnson in Memory of Alfred B. Meeg
Larry* & Jean Johnson
Loering M. Johnson
Loretta M. Johnson
Lyle* & Irene* Johnson
Lynn* & Ann* Johnson
Martin C. Johnson
Prentiss Johnson*
Randy & Marcia Johnson
Rory & Jill Johnson
Drs. Steve & Teri Johnson
Dr. William* & Helen* Johnson
Lyda F. M. Johnston*
Ruth Brennan Johnston*
Viola Johnston Estate
Russ* & Vivienne* Johnstone
Scott S. Johs
Gail M. Jones
Winnifred H. Jones*
Dr. LaVernia J. Jorgensen*
Todd M. Jorgenson
Richard W. Kaczor & Virginia A. Jameson
Dr. Karl* & Carolyn* Kaess
Cyrus P. Kahl*
Eunice C. Kalloch Estate
Leighton E. Kaloupek
Robert M. Kaluza, Jr.
Dr. Dale C.* & LoAnn* Kana
Albert C. Kane*
Evans J. Karpenko* in Memory of Fran Karpenko
Lyle & Kathleen Kasprick
Julia I. Keegan*
Maybelle Keller*
Dr. Ellin M. Kelly*
Milton* & Sybil* Kelly
Dr. Walter* & Phyllis* Kelsch
Chris & Nan Kennelly
Harris* & Ardyth Kenner
Maximilian C. Kern, M.D.*
James* & Elizabeth* Kertz
Theodore F.* & Dee* Kessel
Theodore & Barbara Kessel
Kathie & Kevin Kiefer
Ragna Kilian*
Carolyn J. King
Gay Gidley King*
Jesse & Tamara Kirchmeier
Arnold* & Nettie* Kirkness
Earl & Elinor Kitchen Estate
Torval & Hilda Kittelson Estate
Ronald K. Kjos, M.D.*
Charles Klein*
Arnold* & Helen* Klick
Elmer W. & Evelyn A. Klipstein Estate
Janet, James and Peter Klosterman in Memory of Annette Klosterman
James R. Knudson
Mary Lou J. Kojancik Estate
Dorothy C. Kolberg Estate
Axel & Agnes Kongslie Estate
Mark & Priscilla Kovar
Herman Kovnick*
Dr. Arthur* & Ann Kracke
Dr. Eugene* & Carole Kralicek
Barb M. Kramer
The Estates of Robert & Elizabeth Kratt
Ronald Kreienkamp
Karen & Randy Kreil
Dr. Timothy J. Kroeger
Ralph* & Eleanor* Krogfoss
Lorance T. Krogstad, M.D.*
Faith D. Krueger*
Margaret (Peggy Paupst) Kruta Estate
Arnold D. & Susan R. Kuhn
Pete & Eunice Kuhn
Louie* & Dorothy* Kulas
William & Marcella Kunkel Estate
Dr. Charles & Adele Kupchella
Dr. Robert & Charlene Kyle
Ruth Kyle*
Fred* & Joyce* Laborde
David Lambeth & Cecilia Volden
Sharon J. Lambeth*
Ora* & Carol Lampman
Bob* & Pat* Lander
Ed* & Barb* Lander
John & Alesia Langer
R. Doug & Sally Larsen
Dr. Donald & Joyce Larson
Lillian* & Paul* Larson
Milton* & Marvine* Larson
Paul* & Annie* Larson
Linda J. Laskowski
Vernese Feldman Lathrop
Dr. Suzanne Laudert & Robert Stremick
Dr. Stefan & Sue Laxdal
Robert T. Layman
Luverne* & Maxine* Lazier
Howard* & Geraldine* Lee
Sen. Judy & Duane* Lee
Justen Lee
Paula H. Lee* in Memory of Randy H. Lee
Rick & Lori Lee
Gunder* & Ruth* Legvold
Ralph* & Rosemary* Leidholdt
Bill Leier & Teri Brackenbury Leier
Mary Lee & Keith Leikas
Donald* & Edith* Lenarz
Vincent* & Phoebe* Leo
Kraig S. Lerud, M.D.
Ingeborg Lerum*
Dr. Leonard* & The Honorable Beryl* Levine
Dale & Paulette Lian
Dr. Chien-Wei* & Kam-Wei* Liao
Cory R. Lien
Dr. Ronald L.* & Rebecca Lien
Dr. Amy I. Lind*
Erik G. Lips*
Bruce K. Listoe*
Barbara A. (Grabanski) & Arnold E. Lizakowski
Dean* & Marian* Locken
Peter J. Lockrem & Emily Jane Lockrem
Cynthia R. Long*
William C.* & Frances Lontz
Dr. Frank N. Low*
Robert Jame Lowe*
Lynn D. W. Luckow
Dr. Anthony J.* & Junieve* Lund
Harald* & Gay* Lund
Terry & Suzanne* Lundberg
Jeremy S. Lunde
Col. Herbert* & Muzette N.* Lux
Klonda Lynn*
Karen Lynner Estate
Archie* & Neva* MacMaster
David & Mary MacMillan
Philip* & Adelaide* MacMillan
William* & Alice* MacMillan
Norman S. MacPhee*
Norman & Floy Ann MacPhee
Lois & Fred Madsen
Drs. Tom Magill & Sarah McCullough
Richard J. Maginn, M.D.*
Dr. Jim* & Yvonne* Mahoney
Bernardine M. Mahowald, M.D.*
Michael G. Maitino*
Roger & Sandra Malm
Don & Barbara* Mann
Bill & Jane Marcil
Jack G. Marcil
Dave & Mary Maring
Gary & Jane Marsden
Floyd* & Ann* Marshall
Frederick E. Martin Estate
Mike Marttila
Janet M. Marwin Estate
Solveig P. Matlock*
Margaret S. Matthews*
Steven R. Mattson, M.D.
Lori A. Maurer
Margery A. McCanna*
Dr. John* & Shirley McCarty
Margot de Bruyn Kops McClintock*
Robert* & Bernadine McConn
Spencer C. McCrae, M.D.*
Mildred McDermott*/ T. Lloyd Kelly Foundation
Inez L. McDonald* in Memory of William F. McDonald
Elaine R. McGrath*
Dorothy (Nelson) McGregor Estate
Joseph McIntee Estate
Jim* & JoAnn* McKay
John S. McKechnie*
Rodney B. McKinney
Ellen R.* & George D.* McKinnon
Mac* & Janet* McSparron
Robert & Linda Medhus
Terri L. Medhus McLean
Ben* & Clara* Meier
Roger W. Melvold*
Dr. Donald* & Marjorie* Meredith
Dr. Lois J. Merrill*
Robert H. Meyers*
Daniel P. Michelsen Estate
Dr. Leonhard P. Mickelsen*
Carol* & Robert* Middleton
Dave & Patti Miedema
Fritz Mikkelson Family
Fritz & Verona Mikkelson Family
John & Cindy (Buck) Miklesh
W. Dyce* & Esther* Millard
Mike Miller
Brian R. Milne
Roger L. & Glenda* Minerman
Russell* & Evelyn* Mlinar
Sandra A. Modisett*
Erik G. Moe
Marguerite Camilla Moe Estate
Stanley* & Doris* Moe
Denis E. Moen*
Dale R. Monsebroten*
Martha S. Monson Estate
Ina C. Montgomery*
Darrell & Kay* Moon
Loren & Heloise Moore Estate
Mildred S. Moore* in Memory of Herbert E. Moore
Stephen L. Morgan
Dr. William* & Ida Morris
Dale* & Barbara Morrison
J. Roger Morrison
Marvin & Diane Morrison
Howard & Johnnie Moum Estate
Denise* & Kenneth* Mullen
Larry R. Mullins
Joan D. Multhaup*
Douglas C. & Laura Munski
Dr. James* & Barbara* Murphy
John R. Muus*
Eugene E. & Florence H. Myers Estate
Mary F. Myers Estate
Joe K. Neel, Jr.*
Beverly J. Nelson*
Chester E. Nelson, Jr.*
Jane S. Nelson*
Jim & Neel Nelson
Lloyd S. Nelson*
Mary Stephens Nelson*
Wilford* & Biona* Nelson
Joseph F. Nemec
Jay D. & Jennifer L. Neppel
Dr. Joel K. Ness
Harold M. Nessett*
Thomas G. Netcher*
Arlys J. Netland
Frank Neukamp, M.D.*
Robert W. Neville*
Corby* & Mary* Newman
William V. Nicklawsky*
Beth M. Nienow
Daniel & JoEmily Nieuwsma
Lucille M. Nilson Estate
Dr. Inger Lise Nissen* & Dr. Albert Liebman*
Colleen & Werner G. Nistler, Jr. on behalf of the Nistler Family
Harvey & Melanie Noteboom
Angela S. O'Brien*
Tim & Becky O'Keefe
Dr. Bernard* & Marcia* O'Kelly
Diane Odegard
Lewis H. Oehlert Estate
Ronald & Karen Offutt
Lee D.* & Marlene Okeson
Dr. Richard A.* & Ann* Olafson
Robert M. Olafson
Dorothy Krug Oliphant*
B. Dianne Olson Estate in Memory of Terence D. Olson
Janet F. Olson*
John D. Olson, M.D.*
O. Henning & Jeanne Olson Estate
Philip J. Olson*
Drs. Thomas & Sandra Olson
A. E. "Dutch"* & Virginia* Omdahl
Roger A.* & Annette* Ophaug
Roger* & Mona* Ophus
Margaret O. Oros*
Curtis & Dorothy* Orr
Chuck & Bonnie Orvik
Fred* & Sigrid* Ott
Alpha J. Ottis Estate
Dr. Ella Jane* & Herbert* Oyer
Varner* & Diane* Paddack
John W. Padden*
Robert* & Kathleen* Page
Sally J. Page*
Linda & Mark* Pancratz
Wayne* & Christi Rae* Papke
John M. Parr*
B. Brian Parrish, M.D.* in Memory of Thomas R. Whelan, Ph.D.
Laura A. Parsons
Scott W. Patterson
Tom* & Dorothy Paulson
Curtis R. Paxman, M.D.*
Bob & Jeanine Peabody
Garry Pearson* & Rose Mary Kitzan
Robert & Shirley Pederson
Col. Clark R. Penas, RET
Dr. John S. Penn Estate
Dr. Timothy J. Pennings
Dr. Vito* & T. Carmel* Perrone
George* & Ruth* Perrott
Susan L. Peters Estate
Robert & Peggy Petersen
Glen* & Diana Peterson
Robert & LaVonne Peterson
Dr. Ross & DonnaLee Pettit
Fernanda & Steven Philbrick
Duane G. Philis*
Peter A. Pifer
Roger* & Elsie* Pitsenbarger
Thomas* & Nancy* Plante
Frederick D. "Fritz" Pollard Estate
Stella Pollock*
James & Nicole Poolman
Dr. Bruce A. Porter & Sharon Vaughn
Michael & Ann Porter
Rev. Gerald L. Potter Estate
W. Brian & Susan Poykko
Loretta L. Prather
Webster Pullen Estate
William* & Karmen* Purcell
Al* & Dorothy* Purdon
Ada B. Raab*
John* & Darleen* Rader
Marjorie A. Tegtmeier-Radi
Ruth H. Ralph*
James & Jane Ramsland
Odin* & Vivian* Ramsland
Ruth A. Rand Estate
Laraine L. & Steven E.* Rank
Darold* & Lyla* Rath
Dr. Robert* & Meryl* Ray
Tamar C. Read*
Dana M. Rebelein
Dr. Linda L. Redmann Estate
Ken & LuAnn Regan
Lucille Reilly Estate
Robert J. Reinertson*
Eldon H. Reinke*
Donald* & Ruth* Reinoehl
Greg Reisenauer
Dr. Richard & Mary Render
Vince & Dr. Lili* Repesh
Harold E. Resinger, M.D.*
Scott T. Rex*
Grace Osborne Rhonemus*
William G. Rice*
Clifford D. Richards*
Billie A.* & Lloyde* Richmond
Elwood P. Richmond*
William, Jr.* & Blanca Richmond
Col. Kyle & Maija Riedel
James Rinde Family
Lena B. Ritchie*
Joan M. Roberts Estate
Robert E. Roberts Estate
Frances L. Robertson*
M. James* & Margie Robertson
Pamela S. Robertson - Class of 1965
Dave & Marisa Robinson
Dr. Gordon* & Virginia Robinson
Karen R. Robinson
Stephen W. Robinson, Ph.D.
James F. Rodde
Lt. Col. Kathryn A. Rogenes, RET*
Larry H. Roles
Karleen M. Rosaaen*
Jack J. Rosenstein, M.D.*
Jesse Rosoff* in Memory of Sylvia (Wolpert) Rosoff
Dr. Robert & Julie Roswick
Egbert P. Rotnem*
John Rouzie Estate
Dale W. Rowe
Dave* & Doreen* Rubin/Wendy's
Ralph* & Carol* Rudrud
Elvira M. Ruettell Estate
Rosa Ruger Estate
Glenna Rundell*
Ray & Joan* Russell
Robert* & Betty* Rust
Robert & Joan Ruud Estate
Arthur* & Mary* Saastad
Darrel G. Sackman
Gordon Salness, M.D.*
William H. Saltzman
Dr. Jack B. Sampson*
Albert* & Carol* Samuelson
Marvin Sanders Estate
Mary Ellen Sandlie*
Catherine Sandt Estate
Bertha & Anna Sather Estate
William G. Saumur*
Adeline Scheuneman*
Naomi C. Schindele*
Myrtle Peterson Schmidt*
Ronald & Irene Schmidt
John* & Leone* Schmitz
Dr. Mark & Lori Schneider
Susan F. & Dennis A.* Schneider
Vernon J. Schreiner
E. Dean & David M. Schroeder Trust
E. Dean & Karen L. Schroeder Trust
George & Arline* Schubert
Harry* & Bernice* Schwenke
Archie* & Alpha* Scott
McDonald Watson Scott Estate
Francis & Edith Sears Estate
Dr. Thomas M. & Mary J. (Langlie) Seaworth
Emil A. Seeger*
Clifford* & Lenora* Seglem
Jim* & Nancy* Seifert
Betty Breakey Senechal*
Dave & Karen Senger
Sheri A. Senne
Dr. Thomas* & Shirley Setter
Terry & Diane* Severson
Otilda Shadensack*
Gary L. Shantz
Gregory Shega & Amy Weber
Dean S. Shingler Estate
Dr. Mark Siegel*
Dr. Donald* & Ingrid* Simonson
Elizabeth T. Simpson Estate
Norman E. Skabo*
Donald E. Skjei, MD*
Arlene B. Skjervem Estate
Howard M. Skjervem Estate
Gerald M.* & Marilyn* B. Skogley
V. Blanche Slagerman, M.D.*
Harold F. Smith*
Harold* & Helen* Smith
John E. Smith Estate
Larry A. Smith, M.D.* & Claudine Smith*
Lois E. Kent Smith*
Rolfe E. Sobolik
M. Duane Sommerness, M.D.* & Marge Sommerness*
Marc & Merry Sondreal
Betty S. M. Soo, M.D.*
Delmar R. Sormula*
A.M.* & Elizabeth* Souby
Floyd B. Sperry*
Dr. Dennis U. Spjut
Kevin L. Spooner*
Anne Sprague*
Leo* & Jean* St. Michel
John C. Staley
Alice Steinbach* & Albert L. Steinbach, M.D.*
Edith Steinbach Estate
Lyle C. Steinmeier*
Margaret M. Stellon*
Richard* & Belle* Stern
Cameron R. Stewart Estate
John & Jodi Stewart
Margaret & Frank Stinchfield Foundation
Curtis W. Stofferahn
Ardell Stone*
Ethel M. Stone Estate
Paul J. Storsteen*
A. Thomas Strand* in Memory of Mary Flemington Strand & Albert Engebret C. Strand
Bryce* & June* Streibel
Keith & Jo Streyle
Dr. Dean* & Catheleen* Strinden
Earl* & Jan* Strinden
Michael & Susan Stromberg
Jon A. Study*
Catherine* & Richard* Sturtevant
Ray* & Edyth* Sullivan
C. Francis Swanke*
Helen M. Swanson*
Calvin L. "Bud" Swedlund Estate
Maurice F. Sweeney*
Harriet M. Sweetland*
Dr. Marian E. Swendseid*
Ken* & Frances* Swenson
Lowell* & Marge* Swenson
Sigurd* & Evelyn* Swenson
Walt* & Norma* Swingen
Helen O. Szepelak Estate
Ronald & Josephine Taillon Estate
Dr. George* & Rosalie* Talbert
Jan N. Tangdelius*
Dr. Ralph* & Phyllis* Tarnasky
M. Genevieve Taylor*
Dr. William* & Jeanne* Taylor
Cherie Templeton*
The Estates of Mildred Thelin & Gustaf Thelin
Douglas & Bonnie Theroux
Todd R. Thomas*
DeeAnn L. Thompson
Era Bell Thompson*
Larry D. Thompson
Roger S. Thompson, M.D. Estate
Frederick "Pinky" Thomson*
Adolph Thorson Estate
Marvin A. Thorson Estate
Greg & Cindy Thrall
Horace* & Marjory* Thue
Norman W. Timmins
Tim & Cassie Tinius
Kathryn Horway Tiongson & Dr. Genaro I. Tiongson
Ruth B. Titus Estate
Jerry & Marie Topp
Thomas M. Torgerson, M.D.*
Leo* & Margaret* Toussaint
Ken* & Gloria Towers
Alyce Travers*
Dr. Mack* & Rita* Traynor
Dr. Jody & Robert Treuer
Betty J. Undeberg Tritten*
Faye Troyer Estate
Constance Tuntland* in Memory of Mervin Tuntland
Steve & Robin Turner
Warren & Betty Twietmeyer
Wayne L. Twito*
Raymond E. Tyvand, M.D. Estate
Kathryn E. Uhrich & Jeffrey D. Holmes
Adolph Ulland*
Edna Ullyot Estate
Lloyd C. Underdahl Estate
Arturo F. Urrutia
Adrian H. Vaaler*
Adrian J.* & Treva* Vaksvik
Jerry & Carolyn* Van Eeckhout
Carolyn Van Mackelberg & Brad Belluk, M.D.
Chester* & Betty* Van Raden
Anna E. Van Voorhis* in Memory of Robert Van Voorhis
Dr. Michael & Peggy Vandall
Ronald & Carol Vantine
Dr. Frederick & Claudette Varricchio
Col. George F. Vaughan*
Dr. John* & Mary Ellen* Vaughan
Harold Vavra*
Evelyn M. Veitch*
Dr. Robert & Barbara Veitch
Dr. John* & Agnes* Vennes
Marilyn & Clyde Vetter
Elaine E. Vig Caldis*
Kenneth S. Vig*
Reuben J. Vig*
Dewel, Jr.* & Geraldine Viker
Dr. Vernon* & Marjorie* Vix
Wadhwani Family
Christopher Wagner
Dr. John D. Wahl Estate
Helen Wahlstrand*
Gladys* & Vernon* Waldorf
Dr. James L. Walker Estate
Dr. Scott* & Marian* Walker
Henry* & Elizabeth* Walter
Cole L. Ward
Dr. Hudson & Christine Washburn
Jeffrey N. Weatherly
Diane J. Weber*
Erven* & Ida* Weber
Dr. Lyle* & Edith* Webster
Willard* & Helen* Webster
Roy A. Wehe*
Donna J. Weinrebe*
Nita Weinrebe Estate
Mildred Weisinger*
W. William, Jr. & Diane* Weispfenning
Burness G. Wenberg Estate
Dwight & Peggy Wendschlag
Jim & Janey Wendschlag
Dr. Richard P. & Paula J. Wenham
Frank* & Esther* Wenstrom
Elmer & Minnie West Estate
Gordon W. West*
John* & Charlotte* West
Dr. Philip W.* & Foymae* West
Lorraine Hagen Westerberg, Ph.D.*
J.M.A.* & Irene* Westermoe
Richard* & Margaret* Westley
Lori & Joseph Wetch
Drs. Barbara & Timothy Whalen
Lisa J. Wheeler
Louis Whelan*
Francis D. White
Gladys N. Whitesell*
Josephine L. Whitworth*
Maurice M. Wicklund, M.D.*
Gertrude Galbraith Wiegman Estate
Dean & Mae* Wieland
Dr. Stephen & Nancy Wikel
Allan* & Marvel Williamson
David J. & Gay C. Shemorry Williamson
Shelley Williamson
E. Donald Wilmot*
Dr. H. David Wilson
Lew Wilson*
Donald J. Winge*
Julice A. Winter
Dr. John & Delores Witt
John E. Woleske
Kim & Roger Woods
Roseann Woodward
Boyd Wright & Lillian Elsinga
Clara F. Wright*
Dr. David & Carol Wright
Drs. Joshua Wynne & Susan Farkas
Dr. John N. & Linda Youngs in Memory of Nelson A. Youngs & Dr. Philip Furman
Joseph & Roberta Zahradka
Michael & Vicki Zaun
Rudolph E. Ziegler*
Dr. Helene L. Zimmerman*
LeAnn Zimmerman
Larry J. Zine
Dr. James J. Zwarych*
Reflects donations processed through 09.30.24.
BOLD indicates new to this level
* Indicates deceased
Donations include those that were matched by the North Dakota Higher Education Challenge Fund