Thomas Clifford Circle
The Thomas Clifford Circle applauds donors who give at a leadership level.
Like Clifford, members of this Circle have a vital role in helping UND, its programs, and our students develop as industry leader.
The Clifford History
Thomas J. Clifford (1921-2009) was UND’s longest-serving leader, dedicating 21 years as UND’s president. Clifford spent over a half-century on campus as a student, faculty, dean, and finally president from 1971-92. He was the first North Dakotan to hold the office.

Under his leadership, the University saw important developments in student enrollment numbers, research, the medical school, aerospace programs, and the Energy & Environmental Research Center. He forged relationships with tribal partners and implemented instructional Native American programs in medicine and other fields. From his namesake, Clifford Hall, he led UND’s Aerospace Foundation into his 80s.
Clifford’s experience at UND began as an accounting student, a law student and part-time instructor. He was just 29 when he was named dean of the College of Commerce in 1950 – the youngest dean in UND’s history. Nine years later, after earning a master’s degree in public administration at Stanford University, he became UND’s vice president for finance.
A decorated Marine veteran, he exuded energy and charisma mixed with candor and accessibility that earned students’ affection and respect. As a graduate of UND, he easily empathized with their experiences. He was quick to seek out the opinions of others to inform his decisions and direction for the University. In 2002, UND awarded Clifford an honorary doctorate. That same year, he received the Theodore Roosevelt Roughrider Award, North Dakota’s highest honor.
Thomas Clifford has not only been one of UND’s greatest leaders but is recognized as one of the nation’s most effective university presidents.
Thomas Clifford Circle Recognition
The Thomas Clifford Circle honors donors who have committed between $100,000 and $499,999 to UND.
160 Investment, LLC
Dr. Brad & Gayle Aafedt
Reuben* & Alice* Aasland
Elizabeth & Alden* Abraham
Acme Tools
Advanced Business Methods, Inc.
Joyce & Aqueil Ahmad
Leslie Johnson Aldrich & Kenneth Aldrich
Alex Stern Family Foundation
D. Guy Allen Estate
George* & Glenna "Pat"* Allen
Dr. Kent & Diane Alm
Elizabeth Alsop*
Altringer Family
American Petroleum Institute - Williston
Amundson Family Funeral Home
Aron D. & Mary L. Anderson
Dr. Arden & Bertha Anderson Estate
Brent & Laura Anderson
Dr. Christopher Anderson & Dr. Allison Clapp
Dennis* & Carol* Anderson
Eric T. Anderson
Ethel I. Anderson*
Gary* & Marcia* Anderson
Jeff Anderson*
Lowell T. Anderson*
Dr. Quentin N. Anderson
Dr. Richard D. & Trisha L. Anderson
Dr. Richard H. Annis*
Dr. James & Mary Antes
Mike & Linda Appert
Marilyn A. & Duane A.* Arness
Russell T. Asleson Estate
A. Leonard Asmundson, M.D.*
Associated General Contractors of North Dakota
AT&T Foundation
Azore, Inc.
Troy Bader & Gina Sauer
Alton* & Joanne* Baglien
Bob & Kerry Bahl
Joe* & Wilma* Baker
Randall & Shannon Bakke
BankNorth, Arthur, N.D.
Todd & Lisa Barnes
Dr. Philip & Sandra Barney
Barr Engineering Company
Aldene A. Barrington*
Dean & Susan Barsness
Basin Electric Power Cooperative
Daniel Bauer
Bard & Nicki Baukol
Emil* & Margaret* Baxstrom
Richard & Linda Beall
Richard & Joanne Becker
Dean* & Jamie Beckstead
Garfield* & Sanae Beckstead
John W. Behl*
Patricia A. Beithon
David & Diane* Bender
Ethel T. Bendixen*
George* & Lois* Benner
Carol J. Berg in Memory of John C. Berg
John & Nancy Berg
Donald O. Bergquist
Edward* & Eileen* Bernhoft
Marion A. Birkeland*
John* & Doris Black
Drs. Julie & David* Blehm
LaVonne Blikre* in Memory of Dr. Clair T. Blikre
Jim & Twylah Blotsky
Scott & Kathy Boe
Timothy & Joellen Bohannon
Boilermatic Welding Industries, Inc.
Vera Bollinger Estate
Border States
Roger Borg
Irene Bostrom Estate
Ray* & Shirley* Bostrom
John V. & Dawn K. Botsford
Col. Joe L.* & Averille* Bourne
BP Amoco Foundation, Inc.
Brady Martz & Associates, P.C.
Joyce E. Braithwait Estate
Josh & Kelsey Brandsted
Robert & Betsy Breckner
Roger* & Darleen Breezley
Alice & David Brekke
Dr. Arne G. Brekke*
Charlotte R. Brekke
Dr. Harry Brickley
Duncan & K. Rebecca Bridewell
Dr. Charles & Janine Bridgeford
Chester* & Madge* Bridgeman
Kristi & Rick Brindle
Brown Corporations
Dr. Glenn* & Harriet* Brown
Matthew E. Brown
Larry Brown* & Vaughn Malm Brown*
Paul V. Bruce
Bruce R. McCaw Family Foundation
John B. Buchwitz
Lyle F. Buchwitz
Dennis & Carol Buck
Jerry & Nancy Bugliosi
James & Kristen Bullis
Merle* & Anita* Bunde
Audrey* & Russ* Burfening
Burgum Foundation
Katie Burgum Itterman & Brett Itterman
BNSF Foundation
Paul & S. Gail Busch
James H. Bushaw*
David J. Butler
Matthew* & JoAnn Butler
Mrs. Pat Byrne*
C. L. Linfoot Company
Madelyne Camrud in Memory of Ted Camrud
Canad Inns
Dr. William & Norma* Cape
Dr. Bruce M.* & Nan Carlisle
DeAnna Carlson Zink & Wayne Zink
Drs. Edward & Pam Carlson
Rachel Carlson*
Judge Jim* & Bev Carrigan
Elizabeth Gaulke Cary*
Donald* & Georgine Casement
Charles Cavanagh & Jane Grove
Cessna Foundation
Dr. Cecil & Penny Chally
John S. & Linda Charlesworth
Choice Financial, Grand Forks
Chord Energy - Denver, CO
Chord Energy - Houston, TX
Boyd* & Marlene Christenson
Charles Christianson, M.D. & Dr. Mary Wakefield
Laura Christianson*
Carla J. Christofferson
Weston Christopherson* & Myrna Christopherson-Kline*
Cirrus Design Corporation
Dr. Rodney* & Carol* Clark
Dr. Bennie* & Beverly Clayburgh
Tom* & Gayle* Clifford
Dr. Maurine Clow*
J. Randal & Sharon Cochrane
Dr. Dale & Penny Cody
Corey & Joyce Colehour
Community Contractors, Inc.
Construction Engineers, Inc.
Ernie* & Jennie* Coon
Harold* & Emma* Coop
Dr. Susan & Richard Crockett
Jack* & Yvonne Cronquist
Dr. Francine Cronshaw & Russell Selleck
Jacquelyn & Christopher Crowhurst
Jack & Eileen Crystal
Drs. Ralph* & Barbara Cushing
Custom Aire Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
Brian & Terrie Dahl
Ervin* & Drusilla* Dahlund
Dakota Commercial & Development Co.
Dakota Sales Budweiser Company, Inc. / Roger & Joan Kieffer and Randy & Kim Kieffer
Denis J. & Josie Daly
Janice & Clifford d'Autremont
Tim* & Maxine* Davies
W. Jeremy & Jacqueline Davis
Thomas L. & Nan K. Degnan
John A. DeKrey, M.D.*
Timothy & Sharon Delmore
Judy L. DeMers*
Mark E. Denbrook III in Honor and Memory of Myron E. Denbrook Jr.
William* & Jane* Denk
Devils Lake Athletic Club
Merlin* & Barbara Dewing
Judith R. Dickinson Estate
Patrick & Mary Dirk
Wayne A. Drugan, Jr. Estate
Dwain E. Duis*
Gary & Linda Dunford
Jerome* & Anne* Dunlevy
Jerome, Sr.* & Katharine* Dunlevy
Jeanne Morrow Dye*
EAA Flight Academy Inc.
EAPC Architects Engineers
Dr. Michael & Donna Ebertz
Ruth Sorlie Edick Estate
Robert G. Edkins, M.D.*
Tom & Jackie Edwards
Darcy & Mary Ehmann in Memory of Laura Marie Ehmann
Eide Bailly LLP
Eide Motors
Emerson Process Management & Rosemount, Inc.
Emerson Process Management, Saint Louis
Dr. Nels J. Erickson*
Lisa L. Eriksmoen*
John F. Ermer*
Dr. Lloyd & Jacquelyn Everson
Exxon Education Foundation
Winnifred T. Falkanger Estate
Robert & Carlene Falos
Fargo Jet Center LLC
Farmers Union Insurance
Perry & Diane Fast
Dr. Robert* & Margaret* Fawcett
Dr. Cal & Dodie* Fercho
Justus J. Fiechtner, M.D. & Karlene J. Gehler
Jim* & Louise* Fingarson
Dennis & Muriel Finken
Dr. Verrill* & Ruth Ann* Fischer
R. Jon Fitzner
Flint Group
Don* & Myra* Flint
Robert* & LaVerne* Florance
Edward Fogarty, M.D. & Carolyn Fogarty
Robert F.* & Marian* Foley
Jack & Karen* Fontaine
Dr. Elton & Patricia Fors
Laurel J. Forsberg
Fortuna, LLC
Forum Communications Company
Grace Foss*
Mark B. Foss*
Dennis H. Fossum
Frandsen Bank & Trust
Capt. Jeffrey J. Frane
Dr. Richard E.* & Mary Margaret* Frank
Melanie A. Fransen
Eula Fratarelli Estate
Fredrikson & Byron Foundation
Angela & Russell Freeman
Ellen H. Freeman Estate
Ira Frendberg Estate
Friends, LLP
Jim & Susan Fristad
Dr. Laurence* & Adeline* Gaebe
Charles* & Dorothy* Gainor
Sara Garland & Kim Uhl
Jeff & Melinda Gau
Michael & Janel Gehb
Wilbur Gehrke Family Survivors Trust
Bill & Marlys* Geiger
Jeff & Cathy Gendreau
Allison & Bud Gentle
Ed & Pat Gerhardt
Randy & Joyce Gershman
Todd H.F. Gierke & Dr. Jan Bexell-Gierke
Dr. Paul & Lois Gillespie in Memory of Dr. Charles & Lorna Gillespie
Dr. Robert* & Marilyn* Gilsdorf
Dr. Paul* & Marian* Gislason
Dr. Duane & Roberta* Glasner
Dr. C.J.* & Viola B.* Glaspel
Florence Golde Estate
James G. Golseth, M.D.*
Glen Gonsorowski
Donald & Joan Gorowsky
Gowan Construction
Milton & Sallie Gowan
Grand Forks Blue Line Club
Grand Forks Family Medicine Residency
Grand Forks Herald
Gloria L. Gransberg
Hazel M. Gransberg*
Bob & Jane* Graveline
Dr. John Gray & Karen Schmidt-Gray
Dr. Gregory & Colette Greek
Greenberg Enterprises
Arnie & Jane Gregory
Gary & Char Griffeth
Gronowski Family
Jamie S. Gronowski & Ann Kearney-Gronowski
Clifford C. Grosz*
Coleen Shaner Bacon Grosz*
Clayton* & Evelyn* Grove
Dorothy C. Grovom*
James F.* & Connie L. Haakenson
Tim & Joey Haas
Dr. Lyle & Susan Hall
Fleurette Halpern Estate
Gary* & Helen Hanisch
Warren* & Fran* Hanna
James & MaryDale Hansen
Wayne E. Hansen & Sara E. Crewe Hansen
Happy Harry's Bottle Shop/Hal Gershman
Ada McLellan Haraldson* in Memory of Adrian McLellan
Bob & Louise Harris
Dr. William L. Harwood*
Donna Hastings & Dr. Jonathan Geiger
Arnold* & Marjorie* Haugen
Carl* & Zoila* Haugen
Fern C. Haugen* in Honor & Memory of Clifford O. Haugen, M.D.
Elsie* & Abraham* Haykel
Barbara & Gregory* Heck
Thomas & Joanne Heck
Dr. Robert & Kay Hedger
Dr. Robert* & Jane* Heen
Allen* & Ardella Hefta
Kenneth S. Helenbolt, M.D.*
Robert & Lois Helland
Richard* & Lynn Hentges
Dr. Norman* & Charmaine Hepper
Nick & Collette Hertz
Mary Elizabeth Hetherington*
Richard & Margaret Hill
Marten & Valerie (Wessman) Hoekstra
Dr. Karen Hoelzer Vilcinskas & Ernesto Vilcinskas
Sally Hoey
Nancy K. Hoff
John & Kaye Hoffert
Wesley Hoffman Estate
Len & Margaret Hoffmann
Sherman E. Hoganson*
Curtis E. Hogfoss
P. Kimball* & Beth Holmes
Home of Economy
Leslie* & LaNell* Honeyman
Christopher & Melissa Hong
W. Allan* & Claire Hopkins
Dean & JoAnn Hornbacher
Charles M. & Julie Horter
Dr. L. Michael & M. Michela Howell
Joanne C. Hubbard* in Memory of Don V. Hubbard
K. David Hulteng
Dr. Akey C. F. Hung in Memory of Amy Hui-Mei Chen Hung
Don & Sandy Hynek
IBM Corp.
icon HD, LLC
Innova Industries Inc./Dick & Lorna Young/Jeff & Cyndi Young
Insitu Inc.
Island Harbor Beach Club, LLC
Island Harbor Resort Management, Inc.
Michael C. Jackman*
Mark & Betsy Jackson
Janet S. Jedlicka
Johnson Airspray
Dr. David C. Johnson* & Karen Erdman Johnson*
David T. Johnson*
Martin C. Johnson
Rodger D. Johnson
Sam A. Johnson & Mary Ann Johnson
Russ* & Vivienne* Johnstone
Daniel & Denae Juntunen
Jim & Joanne Kack
Eunice C. Kalloch Estate
Dr. Dale C.* & LoAnn* Kana
Carol & Clifford* Kannegieter
Kao Family Foundation
Evans J. Karpenko* in Memory of Fran Karpenko
Dr. C.J. Karzmark*
Katun Corporation
Julia I. Keegan*
Maybelle Keller*
Dr. Robert & Marcia Kelley
Dr. Stephen & Sandra Kelly
Chris & Nan Kennelly
Harris* & Ardyth Kenner
James* & Elizabeth* Kertz
Roger* & Joan* Kieffer
Carolyn J. King
Craig & Dr. Patricia Kipp
Earl & Elinor Kitchen Estate
Torval & Hilda Kittelson Estate
Bryan Klipfel & Kathleen Schoen
Dr. Michael & Ronda Kincheloe
Janet, James and Peter Klosterman in Memory of Annette Klosterman
Dr. Harvey & Diane* Knull
Mary Lou J. Kojancik Estate
Axel & Agnes Kongslie Estate
Loren & Marby Kopseng
Mick Kornkven
Terry & Victoria Kovacevich
Mark & Priscilla Kovar
KPMG Foundation
Dr. Eugene* & Carole Kralicek
Terry & Wendy Kremeier
Ralph* & Eleanor* Krogfoss
Edward D. Krogstad
Audrey Windingland Krohn & Duane R. Krohn
Margaret (Peggy Paupst) Kruta Estate
Brent & Heather Kukla
William & Marcella Kunkel Estate
Fred* & Joyce* Laborde
Dr. John* & Doris Lambie
Kurt & Tami Lamp
Michael & Linda* Langey
Earl Larson Estate
Edson* & Margaret* Larson
Franklin G. & Jo Andrea* Larson
Irene G. Larson Estate
Paul* & Annie* Larson
Jon & Sheena Larson
Linda J. Laskowski
Dr. Michael & Michelle LeBeau
Sen. Judy & Duane* Lee
Rick & Lori Lee
Gunder* & Ruth* Legvold
Ronald & Maureen Lehrer
Bill Leier & Teri Brackenbury Leier
Leighton Broadcasting
Margaret R. (Hjalmarson) & G. Thomas Lesher
Dr. Ronald L.* & Rebecca Lien
Lithia Ford Lincoln Mercury of Grand Forks
Ling Lan Liu
Don* & Jean* Loepp
Ritchie A. Loerch
Joshua & Sara Lord
Walter* & Norma* Lorshbough
Dr. Frank N. Low*
Jane Fercho Ludlow & Thomas W. Ludlow*
Eric R. Lunn & Family
Lutheran Brotherhood
Col. Herbert* & Muzette N.* Lux
Karen Lynner Estate
John & Eunice* MacFarlane
John & DaVee MacMaster
Philip* & Adelaide* MacMillan
Norman & Floy Ann MacPhee
Lois & Fred Madsen
Drs. Tom Magill & Sarah McCullough
Dr. Jim* & Yvonne Mahoney
Marathon Oil Corporation
Kirk & Karla Marchell
Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
Ted & Elizabeth Margarit
Dave & Mary Maring
F. John & Sharon Marshall
Drs. W. Bradford* & Joanne Martin
Dan & Mary Martinsen
Marv Bossart Parkinson's Foundation
Marvin Lumber & Cedar Company, LLC
Janet M. Marwin Estate
Matpac Wrestling Club Inc.
Dean May & Joan Ursin
Jessie K. Mayer Estate
Bruce* & Charlotte* McArthur
McCain Foods Limited
Richard D. & Mildred McConn
Mildred McDermott*/ T. Lloyd Kelly Foundation
John & Sherri McGurran
Jim* & JoAnn* McKay
McKinnon Company, Inc.
Ellen R.* & George D.* McKinnon
Mary Ellen McKnight
Vicky & Denis McNicholl
Mac* & Janet* McSparron
MDU Resources Group, Inc.
Dorthea Melroe*
Roger W. Melvold*
Dr. Lois J. Merrill*
Microsoft Great Plains Business Software
Midwest Coca Cola of Grand Forks
Dave & Patti Miedema
Jon* & Carol Mielke
Roger L. & Glenda* Minerman
Robert & Grayce Mitchell
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Stanley* & Doris* Moe
Drs. Thomas & Peggy Mohr
The Molbert Family in Honor & Memory of Ralph N. Molbert
Molstad Excavating, Inc.
Drew & Meghan Molstad
Judge Jay* & Judy* Mondry
Dr. Dale & Carol Moquist
Dr. Walter H. Moran, Jr.
J. Roger Morrison
Dr. Richard & Sheri Moser
MotionDSP, Inc.
Kevin & Jeanne Moug
Kurt H. & Martha Mueller
Robert & Rebecca Muhs
Bob Mullen
Larry R. Mullins
Douglas C. & Laura Munski
Mark & Monica Musich
John R. Muus*
Nabors Drilling Technologies USA Inc.
Dr. Linda & Rev. Marc Well Nagel
National Society Daughters of the American Colonists
Joe K. Neel, Jr.*
Randy & Debbie Nehring
Dr. Charles & Marlys Nelson
Jeffrey N. Nelson
Jim & Neel Nelson
Marcia & Ken Nelson
Arlys J. Netland
Robert W. Neville*
George N.* & Marion* Newton
William V. Nicklawsky*
Michael J. Nicolai
Robert B. & Peggy L. Niles
Mary Beth Noble*
North Dakota Bar Foundation, Inc.
Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation
Dr. Robert & Joyce Oatfield
Obermiller Nelson Engineering
Lewis H. Oehlert Estate
Ronald & Karen Offutt
Tim & Becky O'Keefe
Dr. Bernard* & Marcia* O'Kelly
Dr. Richard A.* & Ann* Olafson
Dorothy Krug Oliphant*
Al & Barb Olson
Drs. Thomas & Sandra Olson
Opp Construction / Greg Opp
Greg & Susan Opp
Don* & Janene Oppegard
Curtis & Dorothy Orr
Otter Tail Corporation Foundation
Otter Tail Power Company
Alpha J. Ottis Estate
Otto Bremer Foundation
Robert J. Otto*
Varner* & Diane* Paddack
Sally J. Page*
PCL/Community, A Joint Venture
PCL & Community Contractors, Inc.
Dr. Rene' & Barbara Pelletier
Col. Clark R. Penas, RET
Dr. John S. Penn Estate
Dr. Donald & Blanche Person
Richard J. & Eunice Peters
Gary & Nancy Petersen
Robert & Peggy Petersen
Petro Serve USA
Dr. Ross & DonnaLee Pettit
Duane G. Philis*
Karen Borlaug Phillips
Roger* & Elsie* Pitsenbarger
Thomas* & Nancy* Plante
Dr. Bruce A. Porter & Sharon Vaughn
Rev. Gerald L. Potter Estate
W. Brian & Susan Poykko
Lenhard P. Preszler
Michael & Debbie Pung
William* & Karmen* Purcell
R. J. Zavoral & Sons, Inc.
James* & Sandra* Rader
Dr. Wally & JoAnne Radtke
Raisbeck Foundation
Cynthia & Todd Ramage
Dr. Harold & Diana* Randall
Drs. Jon & Laura Raymond
Tamar C. Read*
Lucille Reilly Estate
Keith & Stephanie Reimer
Michael & Theresa Reinarts
Donald* & Ruth* Reinoehl
Steve* & Robbin Rendahl
Residual Materials, Inc.
Harold E. Resinger, M.D.*
Clifford D. Richards*
Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. 1962 Charitable Trust
Joan M. Roberts Estate
Robert E. Roberts Estate
Alberta* & Donald* Robertson
Karen R. Robinson
David G. Rognlie* in Memory of Marjorie A. Rognlie
Rodney J. Rohrich, M.D.
Ron Shaide Family
Jesse Rosoff* in Memory of Sylvia (Wolpert) Rosoff
Egbert P. Rotnem*
Alvin L. Royse
Ralph* & Carol* Rudrud
Mark & Sandra Ruelle
Robert* & Betty* Rust
Beverly & Dr. Casey Ryan
Jerry* & Sanny* Ryan
Cathy & Chuck Rydell
Leonard* & Margaret* Rydell
Arthur* & Mary* Saastad
SafetySpect, Inc.
Gordon Salness, M.D.*
William H. Saltzman
Albert* & Carol* Samuelson
Sanders 1907/Kim* & Beth Holmes
Mary Ellen Sandlie*
Dr. Robert & Ilze* Sando
Catherine Sandt Estate
Sanford Clinic North
Rep. Mark & Gloria Sanford
Bertha & Anna Sather Estate
William G. Saumur*
Scheels Sports & Sportswear
Adeline Scheuneman*
Cary H. Schilling
Michael H. Schlax Estate
Beverly Schlechter
Monte Schmaltz & Amy Dahl
Everett A. Schmeichel*
Don & Sylvia Schmid
Robert Schoneberger* & Terri Breitzmann
Marlys E. Schuh, M.D.
Dr. Frank & Cynthia Schulte
Dr. T.A. & Maureen Schultz
Dan L. Schwartz
Dr. William* & Florette Schwartz
R. James & Ann Scoular
William O. Scouton*
Dr. Thomas M. & Mary J. (Langelie) Seaworth
SEI Investments
Seifert's, A Division of Grafton Group Ltd.
David & VeAnna Selid
Dave & Karen Senger
Dennis & Barbara* Senneseth
Serkland Law Firm
Dean S. Shingler Estate
Diane Shnider
Dr. John W. & Suzanne B. Shore
Dr. Mark Siegel*
Dr. Louis* & Thelma* Silverman
Sam S.* & Evelyn* Silverman
Arch & Mary Simonson
Rose Skyberg
Dr. Bruce A. & Ann Smith
Larry A. Smith, M.D.* & Claudine Smith*
Pat & Tammy Sogard
Gerald & Lucy Solberg
John R. Solberg
A.M.* & Elizabeth* Souby
Caryn & Louis Speizer
Dr. Dennis U. Spjut
Dr. Warren, Jr. & Dena Stanchfield
State Bank of Lakota
State Bar Association of North Dakota
Alice Steinbach* & Albert L. Steinbach, M.D.*
James L. Steinert*
Joseph & Lynn Steininger
S. Peter & Stacey Stenehjem
Stephen & Gretchen Stenehjem
Richard* & Belle* Stern
John & Jodi Stewart
Strata Corporation
Mark F. Streifel
Earl* & Jan* Strinden
Dr. Thomas & Rep. Michelle Strinden
Lawrence L. Suda
Gary & Leora* Sukut
Ray* & Edyth* Sullivan
Thomas* & Sabina Sullivan
Lawrence E. Summerfield*
Ross L. Sundeen
Allan* & Betty Swanson
Ken* & Frances* Swenson
Swingen Construction
Dan & Heidi Swingen
Walt* & Norma* Swingen
Sysmex America, Inc.
Helen O. Szepelak Estate
Dr. George* & Rosalie* Talbert
Joseph & Marie Talley
Jan N. Tangdelius*
Tango Corporation
Dr. Ralph* & Phyllis* Tarnasky
M. Genevieve Taylor*
Dr. Arthur & Doris* Tees
Dr. Christina Tello-Skjerseth & Brent Skjerseth
The Kresge Foundation
The Morrison Family Foundation Inc.
The Summit League
The Tom & Frances Leach Foundation
The UND Athletics Booster Club
Steve & Maureen Thorpe
Adolph Thorson Estate
Greg & Cindy Thrall
Dr. Stephen & Mae Tinguely
Roger & Michelle Tollefson
Tom & Carolyn Hamilton Family Foundation
Jerry & Marie Topp
Leo* & Margaret* Toussaint
Dr. Mack* & Rita* Traynor
Dr. Jody & Robert Treuer
Betty J. Undeberg Tritten*
Constance Tuntland* in Memory of Mervin Tuntland
Raymond E. Tyvand, M.D. Estate
U S Bancorp
Kathryn E. Uhrich & Jeffrey D. Holmes
Adolph Ulland*
Dr. George W. Ulseth*
UND Athletic Department
UND Center for Innovation Foundation
Lloyd C. Underdahl Estate
United Airlines Pilots Retirement Foundation
United Community Bank of ND
United Valley Bank
Unlimited Partnership
Vaaler Insurance, Inc.
Vaaler Insurance/Dave* & Nan* Vaaler
Jerry & Carolyn* Van Eeckhout
Chester* & Betty* Van Raden
Dr. Michael & Peggy Vandall
Chief Justice (Ret) Gerald W. VandeWalle
Michael & Kimberly Vannett
Ronald & Carol Vantine
Vardon Golf Club
Jason Vasichek
Col. George F. Vaughan*
Dr. John* & Mary Ellen* Vaughan
Harold Vavra*
Charles & Leeza Vein
Evelyn M. Veitch*
Dr. Robert & Barbara Veitch
Dr. John* & Agnes* Vennes
Elaine E. Vig Caldis*
Dewel, Jr.* & Geraldine Viker
Gerald Voegele & Laura Eider
Vogel Law Firm
Sarah M. Vogel
Wadhwani Family
Wakefield Flight Services
Reid A. Walker
Dr. Lilly J. Walker-Kittsley
Rep. Jonathan & Amy Warrey
Judge Rodney S.* & Betty* Webb
Dr. James & Jean Webb
Phyllis Webb* in Memory of Everette L. Webb
Dr. Lyle* & Edith* Webster
Roy A. Wehe*
Nita Weinrebe Estate
E. Thomas* & Rita Welch
Craig & Nancy Welken
Wells Concrete
Dr. Frank & Rosemary Welsh
Dwight & Peggy Wendschlag
Jim & Janey Wendschlag
Frank* & Esther* Wenstrom
Dr. E. James Werre
Dr. Philip W.* & Foymae* West
J.M.A.* & Irene* Westermoe
Western Products, Inc.
Richard* & Margaret* Westley
Louis Whelan*
John* & Marilyn* Whitney
Gertrude Galbraith Wiegman Estate
Harrison* & Dorothy* Wilder
Thelma E. Willett Estate
Denise Wior & Bruce Glesby
Dr. Keith* & Elaine Wold/Bay Branch Foundation
Sidney R. Wold, M.D.*
Thomas C. Wold
Gary* & Pat Woodford
Boyd Wright & Lillian Elsinga
Harold B. Wright*
Zahradka Land & Timber Company
Joseph & Roberta Zahradka
Dr. Sandra Zahradka & Mr. William T. Mann in Memory of Buck Zahradka, M.D.
LeAnn Zimmerman
Ronald O. Zink
Reflects donations processed through 09.30.24.
BOLD indicates new to this level
* Indicates deceased
Donations include those that were matched by the North Dakota Higher Education Challenge Fund