DeAnna Carlson Zink, ’86, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Contact DeAnna | 701.777.2196 | Connect on LinkedIn
Why I Wear Green

I wear green because of our students. Their grit, determination, and focus on the future inspire me every day to continue this work in support of the University of North Dakota.
DeAnna is the face of the UND Alumni Association & Foundation, participating actively with alumni, donors, and the communities touched by the University of North Dakota. Because of her passion, vision, and leadership, we strategically support UND by building relationships, engaging with alumni and friends, and fundraising for the benefit of the University.
When she’s not visiting with alumni, attending a UND Athletics event, or strategizing how to build a better future for our students, you can find DeAnna at Island Lake near Lengby, Minn., with her husband, Wayne, their five children and nine grandchildren.
- BBA, Management and Communication, University of North Dakota
- Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE)
- Post-graduate work: Leading Change and Organizational Renewal, Stanford University
- Board Member, AGB Council of Foundations Leaders
- Member, CASE Committee for College and University Foundations Board and Planning Committee
- Former President and Executive Board Member, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Great Plains Chapter
DeAnna has worked for the UND Alumni Association & Foundation for over 30 years in positions ranging from events to marketing to fundraising. She was instrumental in North Dakota Spirit | The Campaign for UND, which raised $324 million for the benefit of programs, students, educators, and facilities.
Since becoming CEO in 2014, she has led a concerted effort to grow scholarship support and build upon the Foundation’s endowment growth. DeAnna is a world-renowned expert on higher education fundraising best practices, presenting to professionals at The Council for Advancement and Support of Education; the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges; Education Technology, Services, and Research; and the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
- Board Member, Center for Innovation Foundation
- Board Member, EERC Foundation
- Board Member, North Dakota Xcel Energy Advisory Board
- Board Member, Sanford Health Plan
- Member and Former Board, Grand Forks Chamber of Commerce
- Member and Former Executive & Foundation Board, Sharon Lutheran Church
- Member, Toastmasters
- Former Board Member, Chester Fritz Auditorium Advisory Council
- Former Board Member, Grand Forks Public School District School Board