Chuck MacFarlane, ’87
President & Chief Executive Officer, Otter Tail Corporation
Finance Committee | Investment Committee
Terms served: 2019-2022, 2022-2025

In 2015, Charles "Chuck" MacFarlane was named President and Chief Executive Officer of Otter Tail Corporation. As the company's highest-ranking executive, Chuck guides corporate strategy. He brings his wide-ranging management experience, insights into the corporation’s culture, appreciation for its diversified business model, and drive for results to the role.
For the year prior to this appointment, Chuck served as the corporation’s President and Chief Operating Officer. In this role, he advanced growth and profitability strategies at the corporation’s electric utility and manufacturing businesses under Varistar.
Until 2014 Chuck was President and Chief Executive Officer of the corporation’s electric utility, Otter Tail Power Company, serving in those roles since 2003 and 2007 respectively. He served on Otter Tail Corporation’s executive team as Senior Vice President of its electric platform during that time.
During his tenure with Otter Tail Power Company, the utility attained industry-leading customer satisfaction levels and safety records. Chuck transitioned the organization toward an increasingly balanced portfolio of power generation, moving early into cost-effective wind generation, and he secured significant transmission-expansion investments.
Chuck serves on the Otter Tail Corporation Board of Directors as well.