‘If Jack Can Do It, I Can Do It!’
One man’s joy for giving back creates years of financial support for UND students.
Jack Marcil, ’63, ’68, is the true testament of a cheerful giver. “For me it is fun. One of the reasons I give is because it’s a gratifying experience for me to give to someone who really appreciates it,” Jack explained.
It’s an attitude that has made a huge positive impact on UND students and faculty over the years. Marcil, a 1968 UND School of Law grad and a long-time attorney in Fargo, began giving generously to UND in 2003 when he established the Jack Marcil Law School Scholarship Endowment through the UND Foundation. It’s a gift that keeps on giving, as 27 UND School of Law Students have benefitted from his generosity.

Jack takes pride in personally meeting his scholarship recipients and keeping in touch with them.
“I have personally given each of them their scholarship,” Jack exclaimed. “I run into many of my past recipients professionally quite often. I was in mediation and this young lawyer came up to me and said, ‘Jack, you don’t remember me, but you gave me a scholarship way back.’ I’ve been very impressed with the caliber of UND students who become lawyers,” Marcil said.
In addition to establishing three endowments at UND, Marcil has also purchased 16 charitable gift annuities through the UND Foundation. “This was a way for me to receive a supplemental income in my retirement years with part of it being tax free. It is an enormous tax advantage and you can target when you want to start receiving the money. It was part of my retirement planning,” Jack explained.
Because of his cheerful giving, Jack’s name now appears in the UND Foundation Eternal Flame Society’s William Budge Circle for donating more than $1 million to support UND. “What happens when a lawyer sees that Jack Marcil gives to the law school? It encourages them to give too because they say, ‘If Jack can do it, so can I’”.
There are many different ways to give back to UND and provide financial support as students work to become leaders in their fields. Join other UND supporters, like Jack, by finding the best giving option that works for you.